- Autoria
- Diputació de Barcelona. Àrea d'Igualtat i Ciutadan (Autor) / Fabrègues, S. (Autor) / Astelarra, J. (Direcció)
- Editorial:
- Diputació de Barcelona
- 978-84-9803-058-7
- Any d'edició:
- 2005
- Pàgines:
- 164
The general aim of the LIBRA 2003 Project was the practical application of the instrument of Diagnosis of Gender Awareness that was created in the framework of the Olympia de Gouges Project in 2002. However, priority was given ton analysing the participation of women and men in decision-making processes. This shift in emphasis was in line with the Fifth Community Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for Men and Women (2001-2005), which established 'Gender Balance in Decision-Making' as the central subject of analysis in the call for proposals for subsidies to projects in 2003. The aim was to study the lack of women in decision-making posts and to establish measures leading towards a balanced participation of women and men.Five European partners collaborated in the LIBRA 2003 Project: Jyväskylä (Finland), Torfaen (United Kingdom), Budapest (Hungary), Lucca (Italy) y Barcelona (Spain), all with different socio-political and cultural traditions.In this book we therefore present a selection describing the theoretical principles on which the studies were based, a section that considers the methodological aspects of the research carried out, a section presenting the results obtained in each of the countries participating in the project and finally a section presenting the conclusions and a comparison of the results obtained.
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