- Autoría
- Ivàlua, Institut Català d'Avaluació de Polítiques (Autor) / Rodrigo Peiró, Luci (Coordinador) / Carrillo, Lali (Coordinador) / Martínez Codina, Anna (Coordinador) / Shea Baird, Kate (Traductor)
- Editorial:
- Diputació de Barcelona
- Año de edición:
- 2024
- Páginas:
- 30
- Colección:
- Strategic Planning Of Local Development Cooperati , 03
This document aims to support the evaluation of development cooperation policy plans. It's a practical document that provides local council staff with guidelines for each phase of the life cycle of a policy plan: preparation, implementation anb completion. Evaluation must be considered from the very start of the policy planning process if the resulting plan is to be evaluable. With this mind, this document identifies the decisions and actions that must be taken at each stage in order to make a quality final evaluation possible. By "quality evaluation", we mean one that responds to previously identified knowledge gaps and that meets methodological requirements so that its results and recommendations can be used to inform decision-making on public policy.
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